Swami Brahmananda Saraswati: Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath (1941-1953)


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Teacher of Meditation (1955-2008)

Compiled by Paul Mason
© Paul Mason 2021


Introduction to Guru Dev & Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Guru Dev books


Locations associated with Guru Dev


Some Discourses from Guru Dev

Guru Dev on the meaning of 'Diwali' (Festival of Lights)

The word 'yoga' is often interpreted as meaning the physical or Ashtanga yoga, which involves performing bodily postures, but the word actually predates this form of yoga, as in the ancient Scriptures the word 'yoga' most often refers to an inner mental state.
Guru Dev on the teaching of 'Yoga'
Guru Dev on the 'Salt Statue in the Ocean'

Guru Dev on offering donations to him

 Guru Dev on cows

Guru Dev on 'siddhis' (yogic powers)

  Guru Dev gives guidance about the need for a meditation practice

Guru Dev speaks on 'Our viewpoint is not limited to one place, it is universal'
Guru Dev speaks on 'We provide medicine and recommend the diet'

Guru Dev speaks on 'Who gets to achieve the Supreme goal?'

Guru Dev on 'Be Attentive'

Guru Dev on 'Unbelievers'

Guru Dev on 'Desire and Aversion'


108 Names of Guru Dev

Photo Gallery of Guru Dev


Beacon Light of the Himalayas - first published lectures of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Guidance from Guru Dev & Maharishi regarding the use of OM


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